StyleFile with Hansine

Every Thursday morning, Hansine presents Style File at 10 am, the ultimate guide to looking and feeling good. Hot tips on what to wear, how to wear it, and beauty and well-being in this area. The show is repeated at 11am on a Saturday morning.
You can also keep in touch with the latest Style File shows by subscribing to Hansine's podcasts.
Hansine Johnston has been working in radio in the Geneva region since the year 2000 when she moved to Switzerland. With a background in fashion journalism and PR Hansine started her signature show, Style File, on World Radio Geneva that year, which continues to be very popular. She then went on to become a full time presenter, hosting Drive Time for several years. Recently, she has been working on WRS as a stand-in presenter on THE MIX as well as continuing with Style File. Hansine's shows are known to be dynamic, interactive and fun. Hansine lives in Nyon with her husband and two children.
Hansine spoke to LOLE WOMEN, a yoga clothing brand, who are organising events to get women moving across Switzerland and she gave away 200CHF on yoga clothes from the brand from YOGASHOP. Also, as it is Halloweeen, interior design consultant Isabell Browell talked about her blog on how to do stylish (ish) Halloweeen with some great last minute ideas